Über Côte d’Azurich

about Côte d'Azurich - who's that behind it?

that's a cool team of freelancers and me. andrea. a native of zurich and a passionate fan of our beautiful city. the latter is pretty much the main reason why i created Côte d'Azurich. i was struck by a flash of inspiration when i saw the blue and white striped awnings of the hotel baur au lac, that remind so much of the mediterranean sea, sommer and sun: Côte d'Azurich - and the rest is history. i'll tell you anyway: baur au lac, that remind so much of the mediterranean sea, sommer and sun: Côte d'Azurich - and the rest is history. i'll tell you anyway:

on the same day, june 21, 2020, exactly on the summer solstice and coincidentally on my birthday, i created the instagram profile @cotedazurich and did my first post. the idea was clear to me right from the start: i wanted to create a profile that emphasizes the mediterranean flair and the cheerful beauty of zurich.

Côte d'Azurich - about - andrea

more about Côte d'Azurich

in other words: it should be an insta account that spreads "feel-good-vibes" in "not-so-feel-good-times" due to corona. considering the not too bad growing number of followers, i must have hit a nerve, which made my zürich-loving heart beat even faster. and as it happens when you get into the "flow", one thing led to another:

on april 01, 2021, the website cotedazurich.ch live. the reason for this was very simple: there are many people «out there» who are not interested in social media, yet might love to enjoy beautiful photographies of zurich too, i supposed. and indeed, if you want to believe the analytics, people from all over the world are clicking their way to Côte d'Azurich – or maybe they got all just lost looking for the Côte d'Azur? hmm...

"there's more to it", this feeling accompanied me the whole summer until the idea of the «zurich tips» – formerly «people galleries» – emerged. of course! who or what makes up the beautiful, and passionate sides of zurich? it's us. we citizens of zurich and our visions and businesses. we should show that with pride and recommend ourselves!

hence, the «zurich tips» offer local or zurich related businesses a platform to present themselves and their products and services. very personal, with lots of pictures and possibly in english too, to allow locals, expats, tourists and all kinds of people from all over the world to see and to read as well about what amazing people and companies zurich has!

how about you?
